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Books & Essays

Out of the Blue - The Essence and Ambition of Finnish Design (Gestalten 2014)

I co-edited this book for Gestalten with Laura Houseley. The intent was to survey Finnish Design and at the same time place the Nokia Design team's work in this context. Dan Hill wrote a lovely essay Designing Finnishness for the book.

10x Finland (Teos 2015, in Finnish)

co-autor with Jaakko Tapaninen

A provocative pamphlet written for the Finnish audience on the impact of digitalization on media and a country like Finland. Based on interviews with Stefana Broadbent, Thomas Crampton, Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi, Ethan Zuckerman, Benedict Evans, Ben Hammersley, Bret Easton Ellis, Tyler Brûlé, Kevin Slavin,  Joi Ito, Jim Griffin, Joshua Ramo & danah boyd.

Aula Cooperative gathering in Helsinki

Exposure: From Friction to Freedom (Aula Cooperative 2003, out of print) co-edited with Jyri Engeström and the Aula Cooperative team. A catalog of an Aula cooperative gathering in Helsinki including talks and essays by Cory Doctorow, Eric Wahlforss, J C Herz, Tom Coates and others.

Some earlier essays archived

on my old Typepad blog:

Ruska: Leading the Creative Self - my farewell talk to the Nokia Design team

Blogging over Las Vegas - Seven Challenges to our Shared Mobile Future

Slow Art - Observations on art that isn't in a hurry

Three Mistakes the moral mathematics of blogging (a reply to Clay Shirky)

Essays have appeared in print in:

Hybrid - living in paradox (catalog of Ars Electronica 2005) alongside David Weinberger, Donnatella Della Ratta, Marco Susani, Usman Haque and others

Organizing for Change: Integrating Architectural Thinking in Other Fields (Birkhäuser 2007) alongside Ole Bauman, Rem Koolhaas, Peter Senge and others
